Process Paper
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Citizens of Cabo Rojo shrieked in terror when they came across the blood drained carcasses of their former farm animals. Women and children were forced to stay inside after the sun set due to fear of a mysterious monster. This was the case in some small villages in Puerto Rico. Some say that these putrid acts of violence were the doings of juvenile delinquents just trying to “Have a good time.”, but others think this was the work of a hideous bloodsucking wolf, chipmunk hybrid they called Chupacabra.

At first the twisted tale Chupacabra was not my topic. My topic was actually focused on the Roswell incident. I set off to the San Clemente library in hope of finding books or documentaries covering the Roswell incident. I left the the library with very few books. One of which was on the topic of strange phenomenon, such as Bigfoot, alien abductions, and a Puerto Rican animal called the Chupacabra.

The Chupacabra perked my interest and I thought this animal would make an intriguing history day project. I researched the Chupacabra on the internet in search of facts or details surrounding its origin or how it could fit into history days’ theme, “Revolution, Reaction, or reform.” I read from one of my sources that Puerto Rico actually passed a curfew set for women and children to stay inside after dark due to the savage attacks of the chupacabra. This was clearly a revolution because the chupacabra hasn't even been proven to be a real animal yet and they are already making laws about it (Its classified under the wildlife category as cryptozoology "the study of hidden animals.")

I decided that I would do an individual website. That way, whenever I felt like working on the project I could just sit down at my desk and start working. Instead of making arrangements with your partner so you could get together the next day and work on it (which would cost you valuable time.) I searched for the best free web space provider I could find and ironically enough I came across the site The site suited my expectations perfectly. I started getting basic facts on the chupacabra and then posted some of this knowledge on my site. This site slowly evolved from a roughly thrown together databank of facts into a cryptozoologists playground.